Valentine’s Update

Yeah, I know it was a couple of days ago. I’m running a little late.

Things are finally moving forward after the great time I had at COSine in Colorado Springs at the end of January.

All the Share books and all the Tanyth Fairport books are now available in paperback. It was a long slog and I only just finished them before COSine. One task down and the new one’s just beginning.

I’m about 10k words into Cape Grace. Some of you will be cheering for the long promised sequel so South Coast while others will be cursing me for not writing the book you want.

My next book after Cape Grace will be the first of the new Ishmael Wang books. Don’t expect it before late spring or early summer. There’s a long road between now and then and I need to traverse it carefully.

Healthwise, I have up days and down days. We’re getting a handle on the down and working to have more up. Like most lives, mine is still a work in progress. I’m grateful for all of you who share it with me.

Happy New Year

Year At A Glance

Published ebooks:
Hermit of Lammas Wood (Book 3 of the Tanyth Fairport Adventures)
Owner’s Share (Book 6 of the Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper)
South Coast (Book 1 of the Shaman’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper)

Published paperbacks:
Half Share
Full Share
Double Share
Captain’s Share

Contributed audio
A Hilton’s Cowry Catchers, Book 5
PC Haring’s Slipspace
Crime City Central: Braised Kraken in Plumb Butter
Crime City Central: The Easy Way

Paid audio
Gail Carriger’s Crudrat


Well, the year didn’t exactly go like we planned. With three different week-long sojourns to the hospital, numerous disappointments and a variety of ailments, we ended the year in a much better place than we started it.

On the calendar,
– green circled numbers are days that I walked and did the podcast
– blue circled numbers are days I walked but something happened to the file
– red circled numbers are days I didn’t walk

Days with red notations are days I didn’t do what I set out to.
Days with blue notations are days I didn’t do all that I set out to.
Days with green notations are days I did what I set out to.
Days with no notations are lost days. I didn’t even think about doing things.

The middle of the year was a mess as I sank deeper into depression. I got my meds rebalanced in August and by September was ready for the big change in October. Looking at the last quarter, there’s a lot of red but a lot of green and almost no lost days.


The To-Do List has the good news on it in terms of things I set out to do last year.

Under Reading, I still have two novels to record but I cleared all the outside projects off by the end of the first quarter.

Under production, I released three books this year – Hermit of Lammas Wood in January, Owner’s Share in March, and South Coast in November.

The paperback project is almost complete. All six Share books are available in paper now and I’ll have the three Tanyth Fairport books done before the end of the month when I go to COSine to be the Guest of Honor. The only one not set up for paper yet is South Coast. When that’s done, I’ll be caught up.

The bad news was that none of the books that I wanted to write last year got done. I made a little progress on Cape Grace and I’m looking forward to getting back into that one – probably next month.


All things considered it was a year of despair and disappointment for me. In spite of that, I accomplished much of what I wanted to do and many things that I didn’t know I needed to do.

Here’s to a happier and more productive new year!

Stars & Empire 2

StarsAndEmpire2Last year about this time, I was invited to submit Ravenwood to a fantasy anthology for the first books of eight different series. This year, I got an invite for Quarter Share for a second volume featuring space opera titles. Stars & Empire 2 is ten first novels across a range of space opera. While I suspect most of you already have Quarter Share, there’s nine other books for 99 cents that you can give yourself for Christmas without feeling like you’re short changing somebody else on your list.

Happy Holidays.