New Audio Work

It’s August already and I haven’t updated this site since I rolled it out. Shame on me.

But lucky for you because there’s news!

Zypheria’s Call will be coming out in ebook and paper formats in the next few days. I’m in the process of audio production now and hope to get it done by the end of the month. If you’d like a little taste you can find it over at Lammas Wood

And two new links on my audio narration page.

I’ve been remiss in not posting the link to my reading of Illimitable Dominion for Tales to Terrify #25. That went out at the end of June.

And just recently Mur Lafferty asked me to narrate a story for Escape Pod and Connoisseurs of the Ecclectic was posted just this week.

If that’s not enough, PseudoPod asked me for a reading and it’s in their queue. I’ll let you all know when it’s available.

Nathan Lowell Has A New Face

Recently a friend pointed out that if he typed in, it came to my website but then he couldn’t find my books. I realized that he did something perfectly normal that I never would have considered. The links were there but hard to find. There was a big picture of me, but a lot of little blocks of text.

This is the result of that conversation.

Whether I’ll move more of my blogging here, or just use it as an umbrella to link all the various Nathan Lowell properties remains to be seen. At least now, you should be able to find my books.

Special thanks to Allison Gamblin of for putting up with my weird views of marketing and for making my website look nice in spite of it.

Check out my Catalog for all my books and audio, Webography to see my other sites around the web, and Multimedia to see my interviews and podcast works.




She’s an itinerant herbalist
With a body count.

For twenty years, Tanyth Fairport has traveled Korlay, collecting herb-lore from the scattered mid-wives and witch-women. To complete her collection she must find the hermit of Lammas Wood. Racing against the changing seasons, she agrees to winter with a village in need of her expertise in return for their help in the spring.

But as winter closes in, highwaymen attack – threatening children, kidnapping villagers, and burning buildings. In facing these threats, Tanyth sees strange visions and flexes unrecognized magic. She fears insanity as she walks the razor thin line between power and madness.

How far can she go before she goes too far?

Or has she already taken that fateful step?

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