Tag Archives: K. M. O’Brien

The Sculpted Ship

Somebody over at the Space Opera FB group recommended this, I think. I grabbed it a few weeks ago and I loved it.

The plot starts with Anailu Xindar getting bumped from her job and forced to find alternate employ. She finds the ship of her dreams in the back lot of a used space ship yard — a ship she’s dreamed of her whole life. The problem? It’s dead or at least appears that way until Ana starts poking about under the hood. She manages to strike a deal … and anything else would probably be a spoiler.

The many characters are sometimes a bit cardboardy. The plot doesn’t run straight through, but takes a number of turns as it leads from first page to last. Ana seems a little Mary Sue-ish at times but none of those things diminished my enjoyment of the story. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that the next book isn’t available yet.

If you’re looking for a feel-good read, K.M. O’Brien’s Sculpted Ship is worth sampling to see whether or not it’s something you’d like.

About the reviewer:

NathanLowell_150x150Nathan Lowell has been writing science fiction and fantasy most of his life. He started publishing in 2007 and has no intention of stopping any time soon.

Learn more about Nathan Lowell and his works at http://nathanlowell.com

[Note: You’re seeing more reviews from me because fellow authors aren’t sending reviews of the books they like. If you’re an author, consider the submitting a review about an indie book you loved. The submission guidelines link is at the top of this page.]