May was a challenge month and I definitely didn’t reach my stretch goals.
Cape Grace:
This poor book has been through the mill. Twice. As I said last month, I’ve started stripping it down to the bones to find the real story behind all the verbiage. The big problem is that the earliest drafts were dated in 2010. I’d already abandoned all the work from 2008 and 2009, but little pieces kept cropping up.
I couldn’t seem to get it in the right order. Chapters had scenes with characters who weren’t even in the story any more. Chapters had the wrong conversations and even the wrong places in them. Even after I got it stripped down and started adding new pieces to fill the holes, it just wasn’t working.
Then somebody mentioned Scrivener. Again.
I’ve had a kind of love/hate relationship with Scrivener since I got my first copy back when NaNoWriMo gave a half-price coupon for winners years ago. I tried it but my ADHD just wouldn’t let me use it effectively. This time it’s different. I’ve got the book and I need the tools that Scrivener provides. I’m on a new 30-day free trial but I’m cautiously optimistic that the stuff I have now is right and that the direction we’re going is good. The structures in Scrivener that I found so distracting before now fill the need I have for overhauling this manuscript.
It’s probably going to be shorter than my other novels but I’m still pushing close to 70k words now and will probably break into the 80k word levels in the next few days.
Jesse Young is still working on the final drafts for the new covers. I’m really liking the rough sketches and looking forward to the finals.
In Darkness Forged:
Yeah. No progress on the paperback there.
Tanyth Fairport:
No news on the audiobooks for this yet.
This month SFWA has been both blessing and curse. The Nebula Weekend in Burbank gave me a break from the mundane life but also stripped me of every bit of reserve energy I had. After a week in Burbank, it took me the better part of the next week just to begin catching up on sleep.

Bottom line:
I’m behind on my goal of four books this year. I’ve been tempted to chuck Cape Grace a couple of times but the longer I spend with it the more I like it and feel the need to push through this mushy-middle and get the story to where it needs to be.
Nathan you rock. You are by far my favourite author. I have read all your books multiple times, (note: they have helped me with my depression). Don’t beat yourself up your fans are patient and when Cape Grace gets there will be happy to read another great story of your making.
I can’t do the “Blessed by a South Coast Shaman” part, but I can carve Whelkies:D
It’s so nice seeing you smile like that! Like Paul said, we’re a patient bunch. Take all the time you need. No worries.
It’s been a while since I’ve listened to South City. After taking my boy fishing for the first time not long ago and a recent trial subscription to Kindle Unlimited, it felt like time go reacquaint myself with Otto. I’m really enjoying the re-read before the next story comes out.
I just found your works in Amazon in December, 2018. Since then I have read all that are available, some of them twice. Some more than twice. I so resonate with the main characters and their inner struggles and resolutions. It is wonderful to read books that make me feel like I am becoming a better person. Having said all that, I would love to see a book that would follow “By Darkness Forged”. I can imagine a whole series with Ishmael, Pip, Nats, and Zee. If you care to share your thoughts on such endeavors, please do so. (-:
I didn’t spent 3 years setting this up to walk away from them. Just sayin’.
Awesome, I am always hoping for more. I would hate to see this great series come to an end.
Hear, hear!
Just finished reading “By Darkness Forged.” Loved ALL of the Ishmael Want and Natalya/Zoya books. I’m very excited to hear that their stories now converge for the next chapter of their lives!
Loved Quarter Share! Been looking for the next one, guess I’ll have to order it from you direct. Thanks for the fun page turner.
You should be able to find it on Amazon in a variety of formats.
The story that leads up to the point Sarah Krug has had enough, and leaves for the orbital, can’t help but be a great one! If you choose, we’ll get to see/hear it. it would also make a great last reading … from you for the series. Just an idea.