Year In Review

It’s been a year.

The good news is that nobody went to the hospital this year. It’s not much but it’s a start.

Looking at the production for the year, I started out well but pooped out in the middle. I got one new book out this year – In Ashes Born – and have some significant in-roads on Cape Grace. It started well last winter but faded as my depression got the better of me. I thought we had that under control by August when I switched gears to producing Ashes.

Unfortunately, November saw me slide back into the hole and I’m only just managing to find the opening again now.

I’ve got two books in process – Cape Grace at 35k words and Milk Run at 45k. Both have stalled but my brain is beginning to kick over again.

The bad news is that even the daily walk podcast fell by the wayside for much of the year and I was unable to maintain even that amount of progress.

It’s a daily struggle and one I’m still fighting. Here’s looking forward to a better year ahead.

Thanks for staying with me.

18 thoughts on “Year In Review

  1. Remember – I’ve dealt with depression in 3 generatons of my family – sometimes it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about the climb. Sometimes the victory is in taking one more step out of the hole. You have a lot of people pulling for you.

    Keep climbing.

    1. I do wonder if your depression is what makes you such a good author. I’ve loved every book you’ve written without exception and have read them again a number of times. I’ve never had to deal with depression myself although I do get depressed on the lack of real communication these days where we only seem to know how to tweet and thus never write anything substantial.

      I work full time on the history of Canada and Scotland and am amazed at the sheer volume of historical works written by Scots all over the world and by no means all on Scottish topics. I work 364 days a year and have done so for some 19 years now in building my two web sites. I often come across books that really inspire me. Many really accomplished people had very hard lives and little in the way of money yet accomplished quite extraordinary things. These kind of people really inspire me and show how you can still achieve wonderful things just as you are doing yourself under difficult circumstances.

      Perhaps you should look at doing an autobiography and with that make one of your books free of copyright so folk like me can tell your story to inspire others?

      When I get your email about a new book you can guarantee it’s purchase in seconds.

  2. Thank you for your work. i just finished Ishmael’s latest adventure. (Ashes) I am looking forward to what the Deep Dark has in store for him and Pip.

  3. Happy new year captin. Wonder if they see selebrate it in space, or how. Traditions are a funny thing that way, changing over time.

    I believe that you have done more than you think. Some of the changes are sad. I rather like listening to the sound of your narrations, (Downloaded them for the future). But happy linings bring the potential for more stories, without the slow down of other projects lIke narrations.

    Another of the writers I have enjoyed reading has created 4 novels in the past decade plus a few years. So long is the wait, I loose track. He has all the advantages of a large team but makes so little of it. You do so much for us. Morning walks, updates, and best of all you turn out a lot of work I love to read. I savored the last Ishmael. I look forward to more.

    I can’t express enough my hope that you take care of your self. As a sculpture major I use to joke around that my creative process involved a cup of coffee. It was really about taking a break and look at something other than my work. I have never created more by having the framework and time limitations of school. I have never been so burnt out. Take the time you need to enjoy the cup of coffee.

    Happy new year Nathan. You truly do more than you realize.


  4. Dear Mr. Lowell, I especially enjoy your books and eagerly await the books that you’ve written. Thanks for the update and I hope more books will be released soon. I’m a fan of the Solar Clipper series and the interesting character that is Captain Ishmael Horatio Wang and you’ve done such great work bring his adventures to life. Thanks!!

    I sincerely wish you the best of health and encourage your keep up the good work!! Never give up! and Never say never, it’s too hard! Fight On Soldier!!

  5. Happy New Year, Nathan!
    Seeing the word counts on those two books gives me joy as I think of the possibility of those 2 new books coming my way this year. I’m also looking forward to the audiobooks. I’m sure we’ll see at least one of those.

    My hope for you is that you will ENJOY the process of writing these books. And I mean that even if they don’t get published this year. Have fun with them. Go crazy with ideas. And no spoilers in the walking podcast, please.

    I have to also say that I so admire you for the spouse and parent that you are, at least the little bit that I know about. You are a mighty fine guy, Nathan.

  6. Dear Mr. Lowell.
    I am starting the Solar Clipper series again today. I just wanted to let you know that I went out and bought your books available on KOBO when I was halfway through Quarter Share the first time around, in the summer of 2014. Solar Clipper series and Lammas Wood series. I love your writings very much, and a good way to start the year. Thank you!

  7. I really like your books. Your style (to my mind) is similar to Elizabeth Moon, one of my favorite authors. Also, I, too, have to deal with Depression. After getting some “mental room” by taking prescription meds for quite a few years, I also started practicing meditation. After a few years of practicing meditation, I got to the point where I trusted my mind (and my reactions to it) enough that I was able to get off the meds. The depression is still there (though seemingly lessened to a degree) but I am more able to take a “dispassionate view” of the process, both towards the lows and the highs (which can be just as disconcerting). There are many styles of meditation and probably any style would be helpful. I happen to practice the Buddhist style (Mahamudra, to be specific) but they’re all good, I think. Good Luck and thank you very much. I very much look forward to your work!. Sincerely, Paul S.

  8. Happy New Year, Nathan!

    A pleasant thought for you to keep in mind as you contemplate 2016, looming in front of you: You ARE an author, a successful writer. You might want to look at the dedication of Quarter Share to refresh your memory of where you were in 2007. And since then you’ve written and released how many novels? And developed a devoted fan base? Why, I believe Ashes experienced some little success upon release, no? You’ve done well, unlike others such as Rothfuss who can’t seem to actually write even as he plays the rock star writer at cons.

    It’s easy, especially when fighting depression, to focus on what we didn’t do, or what seems overwhelming about what we want to do. Society at large pushes us to think this way, as well – just look at leadership studies. Most are about figuring out what you don’t do well – so you can “fix” yourself. Very, very few are about finding what you do well – so you can work from your strengths. And look at the advertising messages this month. We’re all need of a diet, and a workout routine, so we can “improve” ourselves…

    What we need, instead, is to accept who we are, embrace our successes, and use them as a foundation to build upon.

    And you, my friend, are a writer.

    Congratulations – from a fan who is eagerly awaiting your next work. And hoping you embrace the possibilities of 2016, for professional and personal achievement.

  9. Nathan,

    As one who really does love your work, I’d like to wish you the best on dealing with your depression issues. I totally agree with Sean on rereading the dedication on quarter share. I’d also like to ask a question to remind you how best to get past a supposedly insurmountable obstacle…

    How do you eat an Elephant?

    Take it one day at a time….

  10. Nathan,

    That’s one more book published in 2015 than me. It’s easy to see the things we failed at, but harder to see the things we succeeded at. Take a minute to appreciate that you put out a successful book in 2015.

    And then try to beat George R. R. Martin to the finish line. 😉

  11. Thank you for your Stories Mr. Lowell,
    Don’t fixate on your might have’s, Enjoy your successes. I know I have!


  12. Nathan,
    I’m very sorry to hear of your depression. I know it is hard to get past, but as everyone else has said, it is something you get over one day at a time. I am thinking maybe some sunshine therapy might help. I know it helped me. Meanwhile, I am reading your books over for the 5th (or 6th?) time. Finding new things in them each time and still enjoying them thoroughly. Just remember we are all wishing you the best.

  13. Hey Nathan,

    I got your books on the Kindle Unltd package, and what started as kind of a “sim game”, watching Ish climbing up the stairs of his career, became a life changing book.

    The way Ish deal with the day to day difficulties and how he handles his work really changed my view of the world.

    The way I deal with my work and people around me improved since I adopted Ish posture, doing everything that has to be done, without thinking who’s really responsible for it.

    Thank you very much. Don’t let depression get the best of you, I’m really hoping and looking forward to you getting better.

    Regards from Brazil,

    Jorge Penna

  14. Nathan

    I too have fought depression for most of my adult life. I know how debilitating it can be. I realize that everybody has to overcome it in a way that is unique to them. I wish you nothing but good luck dealing with it.

    I have purchased and read all of the Tanyth Fairport books, All 7 books of the Solar Clipper series, South Coast and A Light In The Dark.
    I have also listened to the audio versions of your books that are on

    I received an email when “In Ashes Born” became available on Amazon.
    Literally within 2 minutes I had purchased it, downloaded it, and was reading the book.

    It is safe to say I am ardent fan of you work.

    Best Wishes
    Kevin Scott

  15. I wish you all the best. Hang in there buddy. Night is always followed by day and each one is getting longer Now as spring approaches.

    I love your books.

    Kindest Regards,


  16. Cape Grace – yippee! I’m re-listening to South Coast as I’ve run through everything else in your absence;-)

  17. I have all your books and am getting ready to read In Ashes Born. Your writing has made a difference in my life. The life of Ishmael Wang has given me hope and the determination to be a better person, to do the right thing and I wanted to thank you for that. Please keep writing the short stories also. A Light in the Dark and South Coast are sharing a space on my shelf as well. Thank you

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