A good captain protects his crew.
Who protects the captain?
A shuffling of cabins puts Ishmael Horatio Wang in command of the worst ship in the fleet.
He learns that being captain doesn’t make you infallible and that life in the captain’s cabin is filled with new kinds of challenges as he tries to keep the ship moving, the crew out of trouble, and turn a profit to earn his Captain’s Share.
In a ship where the officers outnumber the crew, can he keep everybody happy? Welcome to the SC Agamemnon.
Do you plan to release Double Share, Captain’s Share and Owner’s Share as paperback and/or hardback books? If so, can you give me an idea of when?
Thank you.
Marcel Rousseau
I replied via email but in case other people want to know
It takes about a month per title. I’m working on the paperback of Half Share now and should have it done by the end of the month.
Full Share in February
Double Share in March
Captain’s Share in April
I don’t have Owner’s Share back from the editor yet, but if I get it back in time I’ll publish that in ebook as soon as possible and paperback in May.
Then on to revise and re-release Ravenwood in June, Zypheria’s Call in July, and Hermit of Lammas Wood in August.
By then I should have South Coast back and will publish that in ebook as soon as possible and paperback in September.
Hardcovers will have to wait until 2015.
My six book year will have to wait for a bit, too.
Dear Nathan,
I have finally found your books. I just wanted to comment that it is finally about time that I found today a book that is the quality of the classics. You have put vocabulary and poetry into your books in a subtle and beautiful way, without hesitation. A little bit of horripilation going on here :). I am listening to you and I just finished listening to a section in part five several times.
The voice was as clear and as strong as a mountain river,
And as quiet as the wind over grass,
And like the shadow of a wind driven cloud,
The little girl came back, and the chief giggled.
You are now in the top three authors I would like to meet,
Thanks, Sid.
I get out and about occasionally. Meeting me isn’t really difficult 🙂
🙂 One of these days I will make my way down to the states…
ps. I wanted to say Moby Dick is one of my favourites too.
hi are the last two book available in paperback and if so from where! thanks
I have the galleys now and will get them marked up and released before year’s end.
Hi Nathan
I read all my books on my android devices and I use Google Books (Play Books). I am however struggling to find your books in the correct format for my phone. I’m not sure if I can buy the books on Kobo and if it would then work in Play Books.
Could you please help?
Thanks 🙂
I can’t list on Google Play because of the games Google plays with pricing, Philip.
I read on my Android device as well and just use the Kindle, Nook, or Kobo app for the device – depending on where I buy the book. I believe all three apps are available in the Play Store.