Autumn Already

Well, not quite but the leaves are starting to change here and with the harvest season, I’m hoping for new fruit.

Quarter Share has been re-issued in paper and I’m hoping that Amazon will get their act together to link the two editions. Half Share is in process and I’m working to get it done before digging into Owner’s Share.

Owner’s Share is due back from the editor on September 15 and I’m looking at October 1 to get that book out in ebook formats. A lot will depend on how many changes there are and how fast I can put them into the files.

South Coast needs to get moved into the editor’s queue and I’m hoping to get that one out before year end so that all the books that I’ve written will be available in ebook as well as podiobook versions. Yes, I’ve still got the audio for Zypheria’s Call to do and that’ll be moving onto the table as soon as I get Owner’s Share off it.

Several people have asked about getting the books on Audible. Not happening. They insist that I take down the free podcasts and I refuse. So, yeah. Sorry. The free podcast is too valuable for me to stop doing.

That’s it from here for now.

Safe voyage!

4 thoughts on “Autumn Already

  1. Reading this, can one assume that paper backs will be released for all titles on amazon at some point in the future?

    1. All my books will have paperbacks eventually.

      Right now I’m slogging through Half Share while I’m waiting for the edits to come back from Owner’s Share.

      I have vowed not to write any new books until all the old books are out in ebook, audio, and paperback versions.

      I hope I can keep that promise, but I gotta admit that working in paperbacks is soul-sucking.

  2. Thanks for keeping the free podcasts up. They are how I found, and learned to love your work. Audible has done a lot of damage to the industry and it is satisfying to see an author stand up to them. Now that Amazon is returning to DRM (not in their MP3s but in their download system) it is a pleasure to see non-DRM content still be available (well, there is always illegal content, but I only want to support the legal non-DRM stuff). Keep up the good work, it is worth waiting (and paying) for. Best wishes, B. H. Giza

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