July Fireworks

Progress is being made.

It’s not big progress. It’s not flashy – like fireworks – yet, but it’s being made


Salt – Book 1 in the Barbarians.
We have a cover. We’re waiting on a content critique from a subject matter expert. It’s in the “coming soon” category, pending that feedback. Note: This is the book I wrote with my daughter. It’s set in the Tanyth Fairport universe, just not where Tanyth lives.

The New Ishmael
I wrapped that file at almost 350,000 words. It’s enough for three books. I think there are three books buried in that pile. I need to spend some Quality Time with it and start pulling out the parts.

The Wizard’s Cat
It’s in the word processor. It’s happening, people. It’s happening!

Dark Knight Station: Origins dropped on the 29th. Yes, it’s only on Audible. No, I don’t have any control over that.

What Am I Reading?

I finally came to the end of Jerry Boyd’s Bob and Nikki series, but I think it’s the only thing I’ve read since last month. Seventeen of them takes a while. I picked up the latest in Mackey Chandler’s Family Law series and noticed that I’m a little behind. I read the first two volumes some time ago and dove back into the series a few days ago. It’s just as good as I remember.

Family Law follows a young woman (Lee) and her alien friend (Gordan) in adventures in deep space. Along the way they have to deal with The Authorities on multiple planets and pull a family together from across the galaxy. There is some fighting. Some exploring. A lot of fun.

Maybe grab a sample of book 1, Family Law, and see what you think

Last Words

June was a vacation month. Finally coming to the end of the File That Never Ends left me completely drained. I got started on The Wizard’s Cat but put it down and lost myself in Mass Effect Legendary. I’d never played the game before and it took a lot of getting used to compared to my normal game fare. I’m still mostly in the clouds here.

I also haven’t managed to re-establish my walking habit, although I keep trying. The wall calendar has a lot of red on it, but also a lot of green. I’m certain there’s a balance there. Somewhere.

I just need to find it.

Safe voyage.

10 thoughts on “July Fireworks

  1. Nathan Lowell and Mackey Chandler are the very top of my instant reading list, both are wonderful authors that can drag you kicking and screaming (or in my case willingly) into their respective universes. I keep looking for others to add to this list.

    1. I’ve read Nathan since 2007, and it just gets better.
      The chemistry between characters ( especially Ish and Natalya) bodes for a mature friendship at least and at least a partnership.
      She’s not Greta, but she has that sense of wonder about the Deep Dark that Ismael has.
      It seems a more psychologically stable ship is reasonable.
      I really like Torkelson with that New York accent. I hope you do more with her character.
      Is there room in the relationship between Captain and crew for friendship?
      Or just a sit down with crew over coffee to talk about a book read, or video shown?
      Or talk about anything but work?
      Lastly, I wonder what the crew shares were for the can of Tellerium. I suspect some members of the crew might show their ownership by profit sharing.
      Its not the Co-op, maybe something better. Is it time to help the crew by setting one up?
      It might help some pay for the Academy, though given how wealthy Ish and Natalya are it might make sense to offer partial scholarships to deserving crew. If they had more than one ship the new young officers could be guaranteed great ships to work on.
      I keep thinking about how Phoenix Freight crew “Stands for Each Other”.
      To illustrate this, imagine Pip teaches the crew about picking cargoes and he finds Mary Torkelson has a talent for this. “Its just like steering the ship”.
      Perhaps a contest.
      Bentley attends a cooking class for crew and discovers he really wants to cook for the crew. ( He ran away to space because his family runs restaurants on all the orbitals and he wanted to avoid that fate). The story is titled “Mr Bentley Makes Great Coffee”.
      The premise is that the ship holds a cooking contest and the winner gets a hot tub installed.
      Just a few thoughts Nathan when you get writers block.

  2. Just pressed the link to family law. It takes me to dark night station audio.

    Excited to hear about the new Ishmael trilogy as well as the other books in process.

  3. If the Wizards Cat is a sequel to The Wizards Butler then I am very excited? And I too am trying to establish walking …sigh. So many shiny objects hahahaha

  4. I have come to this page often to see what is after The Wizard’s Butler.
    I’m ecstatic to find that there is a possibility of the next book.

    Writing is hard. Thanks for doing it well.

  5. After finishing Dark Knight Station Origins, I’m really REALLY interested in two things – what happens to Zachary Vagrant and when WHEN will Malachai get his comeuppance!??!

    1. We have seen Zachary later, in the Darkness Forged arc, still running DK Station; I presume you want to know about what happens in the gaps 🙂 Malachai is still flogging about Toe-Hold space, one presumes, and still being evil.

  6. Looking forward to the “Wizard’s cat”. The “Wizard’s Butler” was just unbelievably good. Wish I could write half as well!

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