One Eye

The first cataract surgery was yesterday. I’m already seeing much better and I’m looking forward to not having the “itchy eye” feeling.

Only problem so far is that the eye’s internal pressure is too high. It’s not serious (yet) and I’ve got new eye drops .. that makes 4 different ones. Yikes. It also gives me a headache.

You can imagine what it’s doing for my concentration.


5 thoughts on “One Eye

  1. Dear Mr. Lowell
    Patience and good luck. Time heals a lot of things, sometimes this includes our body.

  2. Get better soon. We can wait until your health returns. I just hope that your health returns to the point that you can start working again. You have lots of good work left in you.

  3. I hope you had your 2nd eye surgery yesterday as scheduled and that everything went well. You more than deserve a pause on your health issues by now.
    Anyway my best regards and wishes for a great recovery.

  4. Please be careful with the eye pressure. There are some procedures for glaucoma. Try not to get the trebulctomy (?). That is easily messed up. I think there is a laser treatment. The drops only work so long. I hope you recover quickly with the eye surgeries.

    I’m looking forward to your pubs and podcasts. They have been a comfort to listen to and read while I’ve been recovering from my own ailments. I particularly enjoy reading your books while soaking my foot in epsom salt 2x a day, when I had hernia surgery, etc. over the last few years.

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