Email Lists

So, I’ve been trying to send out an email to the people who subscribed. Much hilarity has not ensued.

Here’s the message:

Those of you who’ve been waiting – and waiting – and waiting … I’ve finally broken the log jam on production here and can begin releasing new books.

Double Share is available on Kindle again!

I’m getting the other books — Quarter Share, Half Share, Full Share .. as well as the Tanyth Fairport series rolled out to Kobo and Nook so you’ll be able to find them all.

And yes, paperbacks and even hardcovers WILL be available — eventually. First things first 🙂

Captain’s Share edits are in my hand. I need to get them incorporated into the text and then I can format and publish a NEW book at last.

Owner’s Share is out with the editor now. As soon as I get the edits back and incorporated, I’ll be uploading that one as well.

It’s been a long road but it looks like we might have turned a corner here.

Stay tuned and thanks for your support.

Some of you got it. Some of you didn’t … some of you only got the latest test message and I’m betting some didn’t get that.

There appear to be a couple of problems — throttling and html vs text only. Some people got both. Some got neither but dozens of you heard from me for the first time just tonight … basically asking you “is this thing on?”

I’ll try to get this ironed out .. but in the mean time … watch for Captain’s Share around the end of the week. 🙂

Red, White, and Rue

Happy summer, everybody in the northern hemisphere. It never ceases to amaze me that I need to qualify that kind of greeting because some of you are in the throes of winter. For you winter isn’t coming, it’s here. Bundle up! 🙂

I’m currently hiding in the cool cellar of my home, closeted with the word processor and trying to get this contract job off my desk.

So far, I’m now on the fourth start–appropriate for the Fourth of July–but hardly conducive to actually finishing it. I was actually hoping to get Double Share and Captain’s Share released by now, but I don’t feel right about publishing my own work when I have a contract job overdue. Sorry about that.

Here’s the news in brief:

The good news: I’m getting new glasses next week. The eye surgeries went very well. It’s odd to look into the mirror now and actually see my own eyes clearly. Before, I had to wear glasses to see them–which obscured them. Now, well, I was able to get the “corrective lenses” restriction removed from my driver’s license. Now I just need some spectacles that match the implanted lenses.

The bad news: My arthritis is kicking up. I’m not sure if it’s just a resurgence of my diagnosed strain or if I’m now developing a different flavor of pain. Medications help with the inflammation but don’t do much for my ability to focus.

Psych: The stress related depression is abating slowly. Last weekend was the graveside service for my sister who passed in mid-winter. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn about it until the last minute and was unable to get a flight east. I had my own small memorial here and now it’s time to move on. Thanks for all the good wishes.

Publishing: If you’re of the Nook or Kobo persuasion, keep an eye on those stores. I’ve established my direct publication account there and started easing the backlist up there as time allows. Sooner or later I’ll be up to date and will be publishing to those venues at the same time as Kindle. No, I will not be publishing through Smashwords. I might be publishing to Apple through Direct2Digital–the jury’s still out.

New Narrations: I’ve posted two new (to me) links for recent narration work–one from last November and one from this week. I did the “Observation Post” story by Alan M. Steele so long ago I’ve almost forgotten it. It was a good story and I was honored to read it. You can find that over on Star Ship Sofa. Crime City Central posted my reading of “Blue Murder” – another story I recorded back in the dark ages of last year. There are some others in the hopper and I’ll post them as I see them.

In the next week or two, a radio play I contributed my voice to should be released. The final mixdowns and renderings are coming along. As a full cast audio production, it had to have been a lot of work. I’ll let you know when I see it come up.

That’s about it from here. Remember that I post a daily (almost) podcast for those who want to know more about what I’m thinking and doing from day to day. I’m trying to be more consistent with that after a bit of a choppy winter and spring. Find out more at Talking On My Morning Walk.

That’s all for now. Safe voyage.

June Bug

So, yeah.

May was a month of changes and I’m looking forward to having that all behind me.

The eye surgeries were largely without incident. My vision is spectacularly delightful as the greens and blues of summer spread across the Front Range here. I can see … and more importantly … I’m feeling invigorated.

The contract story took a setback. The 20,000 words I’d turned over for comment proved to be missing some key elements. Unfortunately that means, “Back to square one.” Still, if I can get my butt in the chair and fingers on the keys with the word processor going, it shouldn’t take too long to hammer out a revision. I’ll be able to use most of it — it’ll just need some re-arranging and a new plot arc. I *think* I know where to go next…

And unfortunately, until I get this story done, I can’t work on my own books. I’m already in default on this contract and it would be adding insult to injury to NOT spend every productive moment I can on it. There are few enough productive moments.

Here’s to a more productive June.