Ho Ho Ho

If you’ve been following elsewhere on social media, you might have heard that By Darkness Forged is going to the editor in a couple of days. I hammered it out in the first three weeks of NaNoWriMo and sent it to betas last week. I’m doing the final pre-editor pass on it now.

Fingers crossed for a Deep Dark Christmas.

I’m still waiting on Ravenwood’s audio.

The Smuggler’s Tales audiobooks are stacked up behind everything else.

24 thoughts on “Ho Ho Ho

  1. Fantastic work Sir.
    I’m looking forward to spending a warm afternoon or two (Southern Hemisphere summer) under a tree with Ishmael & co in the New Year.

    1. I’m on the fence.

      I feel like I *should* get Cape Grace off the table just to finish off that whole story line.

      I’m being drawn back to the Tanyth Fairport universe with a Sword and Sorcery series set on Sudenlan (one of the other two continents).

      “Should” is a terrible motivator …

      1. Should? or Want? If there’s a vote involved, I’d say follow your wants…I’d love to revisit Tanyth’s world for another series…while we’re waiting for the next cycle of Ishmael books, of course 🙂

        Great news on Darkness, by the way…guess it’s time to reread (again) the Ishmael books so I’m up to speed. Happy Holidays.

      2. Most artists find requirements often rub the wrong way, as it doesn’t allow the muse’s flow.

        That said…

        Thanks for the update. 🙂

  2. Today and tomorrow John Scalzi is asking traditionally and non-traditionally published authors to come post on his blog ( https://whatever.scalzi.com/ ) and do a bit of holiday self-promotion. I believe there should be more people reading about Ish & Co., Tanith Fairport, the shamans, etc. etc. Please hie thyself over there and post!

  3. Sounds like a real good Christmas to me. I will warn my wife so she knows why I’m ignoring her for a couple days

  4. After many years and great enjoyment, it will be a bittersweet moment to wrap ishmael’s story up…. really looking forward to it but at the same time I do not want the series to end….

    1. I’m pretty sure I’m not done with Ishmael Wang yet.

      This next book wraps the Seeker’s Tales, but remember that the end of one voyage only means the beginning of the next.

  5. So glad to have such a nice Christmas gift coming! Can’t wait to have something good to read!

  6. I’m looking forward to the next Ishmael Wang episode. And will also enjoy reading about Tanyth and her world if that’s where your creative impulses take you next. Thank you, Nathan, for your wonderful stories.

  7. Do we have a confirmed date? This is very exciting as I’ve just finished your last book in the smuggler series, with many more questions about the series been interwoven and the stories lines that could form from this. Thank you for all your efforts in producing an awesome catalogue of stories for us to enjoy.

    1. No. We do not have a confirmed date.

      I will have a confirmed date. It’ll be the day I push the publish button. That will be the first day I’ll know when the book will be available. Until then, it’s all guess work.

  8. Must. Be. Patient!

    I did a reread a couple weeks ago and was happy to see that there will be a new book out soon. 2nd book of the Seeker´s Tale left a few questions in my mind and I look forward to the 3rd book.

    Thank you Nathan, for writing these stories, I greatly enjoy them 🙂

  9. Thank you Sar, for “hammering out” the next episode of Ish’s adventures. I’m sure that like me, all your followers are looking forward to the publishing of this new addittion to the series. Hoping that You and your family enjoy a Merry Christmas, and a safe and Happy New Year !!!

    73 Coastie !!

  10. It’s up on Amazon Canada now. Just stayed awake too late reading it. Excellent tale, looking forward to more in the future.

  11. Thanks Nathan! I got it yesterday and will be busy reading today.

    I hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and happy new year.

  12. Congratulations, a very satisfying completion of the Seeker’s Tale series!

    FYI – Forged is not showing up with your other books on Amazon. I had to search manually to find it and once found, the author link doesn’t connect to your profile.

  13. Fabulous to hear that it’s up…just bought it. I’ve been looking every day this month for it, and it’s not appeared on the authors profile. Glad I thought to hit this site today!

    Merry Christmas, sar!

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