Trick or Treat


Only the first two have valid links. The last two link to t-shirt pages that Amazon can’t seem to fix. They’ve been working on it for a week.

There are now paperback editions for every NOVEL I’ve published.

You’re welcome.


16 thoughts on “Trick or Treat

  1. Wohoooo!!! I just noticed that on Amazon (Germany at least) To Fire Called it labeled as Book 3.

    Can’t wait to get them all 😀 😀

    1. They were all loaded correctly. Amazon’s new paperback publishing interface still has a few bugs, apparently.

      1. Thank you, sir. Received the two available today, and will order the second two when Amazon fixes problem. I do find Amazon a bit arrogant when it comes to listening to the Voice of the Customer. I’m a prome member, reported the link problem twice, requesting response and was ignored. Just saying. Thanks for catching up on paperbook editions for us Luddites who don’t care foe Kindle ebooks.

  2. Just a quick question Nathan .

    Is there any chances of you bring the two main characters from the smugglers tales books together with the main story characters in seekers tales story line ? Plus what is happening with the other welkes I’m really interested in that , to be honest I think that’s the most interesting part of the hole story

    1. I think the chances are very good.

      And there are still a few whelkies sitting in the bottom of Ishmael’s grav trunk. 😉

      1. You are a good and devious man Nathan Lowell. Thanks for the confirmation for the plot blip I was hoping for. How is the new one coming??? Keep writing sir, I do enjoy your books!!

          1. when might we expect by darkness forged? I need to read slower or you need to write faster. lol. sorry, just series withdrawal.

          2. I’m guessing you should expect it a few weeks after I finish writing it.

            That tends to be the time line. 🙂

            FWIW I’m about 68k words into it and hope to have a finished first draft by the end of the month. It should end up at around 120,000 word so I’m about half way and I’ve been averaging about 5k a day since the beginning of the month. Once the ebook is out, I’ll start working on producing the paper as Podium works on the audio. It’ll be as much as three months after the ebook gets released before they have the audio ready.

            After that it’s going to be at least a year before I get back into Ishmael’s story line. I’ll have written six SF novels since Sep 2015, Darkness will be the third one this year – assuming I get it out by Christmas.

            I’m about clippered out for the moment but I have plans for 2020 and Ishmael that do not involve a presidential election.

      2. Is there perhaps, a hint of romance there – the two storey lines intertwining? Does Ish again find the happiness you keep denying him?

    1. Yes.

      Before that can happen, I need to finish development of the Tanyth Fairport books in audio.

  3. Just bookmarked all of them on Amazon; To Fire Called was only appearing directly on Amazon as an e-book or audiobook. After begging one of our friends to read Quarter Share, he finally buckled down, then decided we were onto something and tore through the rest of the series in a month. Guess what he’s getting for Christmas!

  4. For some strange reason “To Fire Called” only appears on as Kindle or Audio Download. All the other books are available as books and are on my Christmas wish list 🙂

    Any idea why this book isn’t currently available in print form in the UK?

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