Voice Work

One of the axioms at Podiobooks is that everybody hates the sound of their own voice. The dichotomy between what you hear in your head when you speak and the actual sound that gets recorded and played back sets up a “this just ain’t right” loop in most folks. Imagine my surprise when people started asking me to lend my voice to their projects.

I’ve had parts in so many different productions, I’m not sure I can retrieve them all any more, but I’ve started compiling the list of narrations and voice acting.

4 thoughts on “Voice Work

  1. I’ve said it before, Nate, and it bears repeating. Your voice work is, in a word, comforting. You come across as a someone who is matter of fact, and that fact ain’t as bad as it might seem.

    You also carry the tone of a long-time friend. On more than one occasion, I have re-listened to one of your works just for that reason alone. You have also helped me stave off a major anxiety attack, though that may well be as much because the stories that you tell are so well-formed and lend themselves well to some escape from reality.

    Some day, I hope to have the chance to share a nice cuppa and tell you in person how much I appreciate your Solar Clipper universe and your other voice work.

    Thank you!

  2. You definitely have a good voice for audiobooks. The guy above was dead on about the ,”matter of fact” manner. It’s great. Keep up the good work. I’d be glad to buy you a cuppa Joe as well.

  3. Nate,

    Love the voice work you do. I try to stalk, I mean find all your work.

    Are you going to be working with Michael Sullivan again? Your voice is perfect for that series.

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